Meet Be Cool Grandpa
This is the place to MAKE GRANDPARENTING A THOUGHTFUL, PURPOSEFUL ROLE for myself and my wife and anyone else who likes thinking about that part of life. It’s about projects, activities, cooking, and some cool grandpa products.
For several years the idea of Be Cool Grandpa was a whim. The impression was born while trail running. It was a feeling, a thought, a statement of love, of just how blessed I am to be a grandpa and my desire to be an active grandpa to my wife, kids and grandkids.
Being a grandpa has been my favorite role as a human. I LOVE LOVE those children and I’m continually looking for ways to make their lives fuller as I learn and grow and enhance my own talents. Grandpas are always learning.
I love to feed them! I love to feed the WHOLE family with really DELICIOUS FOOD so that they’ll keep coming back. I’ve been working hard for the last several years to learn better ways to cook and find recipes, and adapt recipes, to make them “family winners.” In addition, I like to have fun with the kids. Sometimes, we’re able to explore activities like science with experiments or take walks with the dogs or have a bike ride together. These are coupled with boating and some quality Montana cabin time where we gather as families and take pleasure in generations of traditions.
My interests including running, gardening, reading, biking, water skiing, building, cooking, dogs, and tinkering in general. I like to have buckets for things, projects to work on and things to learn.
Furthermore, my faith is highly important to me and underpins all my motivations. God has blessed me richly and I want to give back and find ways to improve myself and those around me.
So, let’s “be cool grandpa!” and show our grandkids we still have it!