screaming balloon

Inspired by, smart people
Time: 15 minutes
Activities: 3 plus
Skill level: Easy - Adult supervision. You most likely will have these items around the house.
Screaming Balloon
Activities: 3 plus
Richard Romney
Inspired by, smart people
Skill level: Easy - Adult supervision. You most likely will have these items around the house.
- A few clear latex 12” balloons
- If you want to kick it up a few notches, get a few 36” clearlatex balloons.
- A few coins, pennies, nickels, and quarters.
- A few small hex nuts. They need to fit in theopening of the balloon.
Let’s Get Started:
Step 2. Quickly spin the balloon to get the coin moving.
Step 3. Observe centripetal acceleration in action. Can an object accelerate if it's moving with constant speed? Yup! The physics is called centripetal force.
Step 4. Now make a screaming ballon. Try it again with a new balloon and the hex nut. Spin and you now have a screening ballon.
I love the simplicity of this physics activity. You definitely can do it with the items you have around the house, but if you want to kick it up a notch or two, try it with a large 36 inch balloon. It’s fun to put the hex nuts in the balloon and listen to them scream.
The physics of centripetal acceleration is fascinating to learn about. It's the physics that keeps the moon going around the Earth.